
Bossa Furniture

animated illustration for Bossa Furniture's website

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Illustrations for articles at Fertiil, a life-generating platform leading the new regenerative paradigm one seed at a time.


The Collective Kind

Visual Identity and logo for Collective Kind, a socially-conscious, anti-bias, nature-based early education for working families


“Be Kind” t-shirt for Earth Day Event

Specially designed for the preschool's Earth Day event. If you are interested in contributing for their funding campaign, consider donating to it on IFundWomen

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“Collective Kind” t-shirt


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Viva Cultura SP

Illustrations and animations for the Instagram Account, @VivaculturaSP

BOOK COMING SOON: Illustrations in collaboration with Viva Cultura SP

Rebobina (TV Show)

Paper Collage Illustrations for the TV Show Rebobina for Viva/Globosat 39 Illustrations for Season 1 and 78 Illustrations for Season 2 (2015)



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"Some memory, though no memory” Acrylic on canvas 9 screens of 25x25cm (2014)

In this painting, the artist investigates the ephemeral act of the "#MuseumSelfie”. Is it an act of creating a memory? Or is it adding a complex layer between the spectator and art?

Selected for the 46th Fine Arts Exhibition in the Brazilian Art Museum From 11/2014 to 02/2015 in São Paulo, Brazil

Exhibited from 11/2015 to 02/2015 in São Paulo, Brazil

Exhibited from 04/2015 to 08/2015 in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Exhibited from 08/2053 to 12/2015 in São José dos Campos, Brazil

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"Propagated solution" Photography printed on cotton paper (2012)

Selected for the 44th Fine Arts Exhibition in the Brazilian Art Musem Exhibited from 11/2012 to 02/2013 in São Paulo, Brazil

Exhibited from 04/2013 to 08/2013 in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Exhibited from 08/2013 to 12/2013 in São José dos Campos, Brazil

